2022.9.13 最新消息 News
2022/10/24-2022/10/27 |
Asynchronous Webinar For all submitted oral and poster presentations Demo website: https://www.conf.tw/site/order/9999/presentation.aspx?sid=9999&lang=en |
說明: 利用非同步平台將所有投稿的口頭報告影片與海報PDF檔案上傳其中進行發表,在此段時間內,與會者可隨時上平台瀏覽,並留言進行討論,問答也會即時以E-mail傳送通知,類似瀏覽Youtube的模式。
2022/10/28 On-site meeting and live streaming using Cisco Webex For plenary and invited speakers from Taiwan Room: The Lecture Hall |
8:30-14:30 |
Registration |
9:10-9:30 |
Welcome Ceremony |
Session 1: Applications of SCF in Taiwan |
9:30-10:05 |
Plenary lecture 1 |
10:05-10:30 |
Invited lecture 1 |
10:30-10:55 |
Invited lecture 2 |
10:55-11:10 |
Short break |
Session 2: Applications of SCF in Taiwan |
11:10-11:35 |
Invited lecture 3 |
11:35-12:00 |
Invited lecture 4 |
12:00-12:25 |
Invited lecture 5 |
12:25-13:30 |
Lunch (The Lecture Hall) |
13:30-14:30 |
On-site poster presentation (Room 201) |
TSCFA annual member meeting (For TSCFA member only) |
14:30-17:30 |
TSCFA annual member meeting |
18:00-20:00 |
Banquet |
說明: 實地於北科集思會議中心舉辦實體研討會,並以線上會議軟體Cisco Webex同步直播,國際與會者可登入系統參與問答,該日議程包含台灣邀請演講、海報論文實地展示與會員大會。
2022/10/29 On-line meeting using Cisco Webex For international plenary and invited speakers |
Session 3 |
9:00-9:35 |
Plenary lecture 2 |
9:35-10:00 |
Invited lecture 6 |
10:00-10:25 |
Invited lecture 7 |
10:25-10:40 |
Short break |
Session 4 |
10:40-11:15 |
Plenary lecture 3 |
11:15-11:40 |
Invited lecture 8 |
11:40-12:05 |
Invited lecture 9 |
12:05-13:30 |
Lunch time |
Session 5 |
13:30-14:05 |
Plenary lecture 4 |
14:05-14:30 |
Invited lecture 10 |
14:30-14:55 |
Invited lecture 11 |
14:55-15:20 |
Invited lecture 12 |
15:20-15:40 |
Short break |
Session 6 |
15:40-16:15 |
Plenary lecture 5 |
16:15-16:40 |
Invited lecture 13 |
16:40-17:05 |
Invited lecture 14 |
17:05-17:30 |
Invited lecture 15 |
17:30-17:50 |
Closing and award ceremony |
說明: 純線上研討會,以線上會議軟體Cisco Webex進行,所有與會者於線上平台上交流,由所邀請之14位國際學者發表演講並討論。
(1) Physicochemical properties and thermodynamics
(2) Natural products, pharmaceutical and biomedical applications
(3) Reactions, material design and nanotechnology
(4) Processes intensification, CO2 utilization and industrial applications